Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

Spinning at Full Throttle

Overwhelmed! Is Your Life like a Spinning Top at full throttle?

Your days are probably like mine. The days in December are some of my busiest days of the year. I am trying to do my normal work, plus meet with a lot of financial stewards to the ministry, writing notes, attending parties. On top of work, there is gift buying for my wife’s birthday and then Christmas gifts and gatherings with friends. My life is like a spinning top at full force with CFC and other ministry and community obligations keeping me extremely busy.

Then, as Christmas approaches the top starts to slow down. This is the one time of year that I encourage you, do not wind the top back up right away, but take a break for a few days and relax. Take that floating holiday and rest and if you will allow me I want to encourage you to even take one hour to reflect on and praise God for what he has done and is doing through you at CFC.

To encourage yourself, take an hour and write down the answers to these questions:

  1. My top 10 highlight list for 2015 is _______.
  2. God put on my heart this year to do ________. Here is how I witnessed God accomplish it?
  3. As I look forward to 2016, I believe God is leading me to trust him to accomplish _______ for His glory this next year.

As God put on David’s heart to build a temple, God has put on my heart for every child to be loved and nurtured in a Christ-centered family. I have witnessed God grow CFC this past year, increasing daily the number of children we are able to serve and expanding the influence of CFC as a Christian organization in a secular culture. God did it through each of you.

Thank you for acting upon what God has put on your heart and for having the courage to move forward amidst all the obstacles you faced. I am grateful to serve God with you in improving the wellbeing of even more children and families in 2016.

Merry Christmas!

