Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

Marching to 5,000

Never before have I experienced a St. Patrick’s Day like the one on Friday, when many CFC staff gathered together for what was planned to be a fun Spring day that turned out to be a hot Summer day filled with fun and unexpected surprises.

If you were there you witnessed the true character of individuals, as each dressed in green and competed in games reflective of their personalities.

What it told me is that God has assembled a good group of people to lead CFC into the future. There was active competition, a little friendly trash talking, but also a spirit of encouragement for everyone on the team. There was youth and energy to help advance those with less. There was good leadership in putting the event together and great teamwork amongst many who implemented the day’s activities.

Every great organization is dependent on its employees, its team members, to lead it to success. As Friday’s St. Patrick Day’s games and conversation indicated, CFC is built with team members that have the passion, energy, and commitment to work together to advance the cause God has laid before CFC of making a difference for 5,000 children.

As the Arizona Wildcats celebrate advancing to the Sweet 16 in their journey to National Champions, I celebrate a team ready to compete to win the prize God has laid before us.

