Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

Is CFC ‘freakish’? Your Comments Needed.

Russell Moore, in his new book, Onward – Engaging The Culture Without Losing the Gospel says this:

“The days ahead will be different than ever before. We may be seen as strange in American culture. We will be forced to articulate things we once could assume. That is nothing to wring our hands over. That is no call to retreat or to surrender, and it’s also no call to keep doing it the way we’ve been doing it, except in a louder volume. Our message will be seen as increasingly freakish to American culture. Let’s embrace the freakishness, knowing that such freakishness is the power of God unto salvation.”

Engage with me in helping CFC engage our culture. Please give me your feedback on the following:

  1. In your work here at CFC and your interactions outside CFC how are you finding our message ‘strange’?
  1. Is our message on how we recruit, screen, and serve families considered ‘freakish’ to the people you know in your church? In your community?
  1. What do we need to start articulating that we once could assume?
