Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

General Move Update Part 1

Here are some initial updates on the move to the new CFC Phoenix location…

New Building Upgrades:

#1 We will be getting new phones!  These new phones will work on your laptop and smart phone all while keeping a separate CFC line! I will be sending emails in the future regarding phone training and this will occur before we move.

#2 Access Control aka, the Badging System. Security has always a top priority to CFC and we will be issued access control cards before the move since they will be needed to get into the building. Additional details to follow on this as well.

Please be thinking about the move and start to thin out unnecessary items right away. If you require Access to haul away boxes of files to the storage site, please start planning to do this in the next couple of weeks. The move day will be here soon and we need your support to make this transition a success!

Howard Saccoliti, MSP
