Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

COVID-19 Crisis Management Team Update 5/15/20

Good afternoon team!

The latest update from our state government: Governor Ducey announced this week that the Executive Order, Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected will expire after tonight. With the gradual reopening of businesses throughout the state, a new Executive Order has been issued effective tomorrow, May 16th called Stay Healthy, Return Smarter, Return Stronger. This new Order maintains the mandate of social distancing, encourages the most vulnerable individuals to stay at home, and promotes an overall compliance with federal guidelines as the state continues to mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Like the state, we are also carefully monitoring any developments as they arise and will align with all guidance and precautions. We are encouraged by these actions to start reopening the state gradually, as that means we get the opportunity to see more of our teammates, clients, and families served to the fullest extent possible. Continue to pray for our nation, our state, and CFC as we navigate operations during a pandemic.

Last week, I distributed the In-Office Health & Safety Guidelines that addresses all of the key items that have been discussed and best practices as outlined by the CDC. We would like to further clarify specifically around the topic of in-person meetings. Early next week, each conference room and other high-touch areas (including program/clinical areas) will have sanitation kits for use by employees. Each kit will include disinfectant, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. They will be easily accessible and will be labeled to not be removed from these areas. We are asking that meeting leaders would take the initiative to wipe down surfaces after a meeting or to assign the task to the group or a designated person in your meeting. The most important thing is that we all have ownership of these safety initiatives and that CFC leaders would set the example!

Hopefully your team leaders have been in communication with you regarding any changes in team expectations (working remotely, format for team meetings, etc.). However, if you are still unclear, check in with your supervisor for guidance. As always, email the team any questions you might have as well. Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Crisis Management Team

(Mark Upton, Pam Giardina, Doug Klingenberg, Jenifer Zylwitis, Gary Miller, Lorina Soza)
