Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

COVID-19 Crisis Management Team Update 4/6/20

Good afternoon CFC staff,

This morning in our Crisis Team meeting, we discussed the latest guidance issued by the CDC. The CDC is now recommending that individuals wear cloth face coverings in public settings where it is difficult to maintain social distancing (i.e. grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.). Though the most effective way to slow the spread of the virus continues to be effective social distancing, the CDC has issued this guidance on cloth face coverings because they recognize that a significant portion of people who are carrying the coronavirus are asymptomatic. A cloth face covering, though not proven to be effective at protecting individuals from contracting the virus, can add an extra layer of protection to the general public should you be carrying the virus without being aware.

The CDC recommends the use of cloth face coverings for the general public; surgical masks and N95s are considered critical supplies and should be reserved for healthcare professionals and other medical first responders.

We are committed to bringing you the most up to date information. You can also navigate a list of resourceful, official links related to COVID-19 on the Ten:24 Coronavirus Information Page.

Thank you all for your continued excellent service to our families, clients, community, and one another. Stay safe.

Your Crisis Management Team

(Mark Upton, Pam Giardina, Doug Klingenberg, Jenifer Zylwitis, Gary Miller, Lorina Soza)
