Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

COVID-19 Crisis Management Team Update 5/8/20

Happy Friday everyone!

As many of you have already seen, Governor Ducey has issued further guidelines regarding a phased reopening of the economy. Today, salons may begin to schedule appointments, and restaurants can reopen (with restrictions) starting next Monday, May 11th.

The Crisis Management Team continues to meet and discuss these updates and how our team may be affected. If this week is any indication, we will start seeing more team members back in the offices over the next few weeks. In order for us all to be on the same page regarding expectations, here’s a link to In-Office Health & Safety Guidelines. It addresses all of the key items that have been discussed and best practices as outlined by the CDC. We will be working on signage for the Welcome Center areas at all offices to protect the health of both our employees and our clients/visitors.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Crisis Management Team

(Mark Upton, Pam Giardina, Doug Klingenberg, Jenifer Zylwitis, Gary Miller, Lorina Soza)
