Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

COVID-19 Crisis Management Team Update 3/30/20

Good afternoon,

Your Crisis Management Team continues to meet daily to discuss ongoing developments with the spread of COVID-19. This morning, Governor Ducey announced that all Arizona schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year. As you each process and plan for how this will affect your daily routines, I wanted to forward my email from last Friday (see below) and assure each of you that we will work with you to the best of our ability in this difficult time. If the ongoing closures of schools will affect you adversely, please speak with your supervisors about any schedule changes you anticipate, and reach out to me should you need to utilize the FFCRA provisions.

Keep in mind that your clients and families may also be experiencing hardships due to the school closures and other factors related to COVID-19. The Crisis Management Team encourages you to provide our CFC Website as a resource to your families and to take the time to familiarize yourself with the COVID-19 page also.

Lastly, Governor Ducey has just issued an Executive Order: Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected which goes into effect at 5pm tomorrow March 31, 2020. Christian Family Care provides what have been classified as Essential Services, thus our employees are still able to come to work as needed. As mentioned previously, if you prefer to work at home and your role allows for that, you may discuss this directly with your supervisor. The Team will continue to provide updates or changes related to this stay-at-home order and all other COVID-19 updates.

Your Crisis Management Team

(Mark Upton, Pam Giardina, Doug Klingenberg, Jenifer Zylwitis, Gary Miller, Lorina Soza)
