Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

COVID-19 Crisis Management Team Update 3/24/20

Good Afternoon Staff,

We wanted to give you a quick update on what the Crisis Communication Team discussed at our daily meeting today.  We understand some of our families are in communication with you about their needs during this time, and you have expressed a desire to help alleviate the stress those needs have created.  We appreciate your compassion and desire to serve the community at this time and are grateful.

We are putting together a task team (representatives of our Programs, Marketing and Recruitment departments) to have a process in place by the end of the week to help collect and distribute non-perishable items and gift cards to our families in need.

As we work together to come up with this process, please continue to encourage our families to reach out to their church communities where there is a relationship.

Your Crisis Management Team

(Mark, Pam, Doug, Jenifer, Gary, Lorina)
