Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

CFC in Simple Terms

Over the summer I want to share with you some of the ways we are trying to simplify the message of CFC. Today, I want to start with our mission.

I was asked by a donor and leading national management consultant to put Christian Family Care’s mission into one word. It took me several weeks to come up with one word that best capsulate the mission of CFC.

Every. “Every” was the word I chose to describe the mission of Christian Family Care.

In the Bible we read about the love of God. Romans 5:8, I John 4:10, and John 3:16 speak to the love God has for every child. Matthew 5:43-48, 12:31 and 1 John 4:8, speak to what is to be our expression as Christians to love every child God has created.

Every child loved and nurtured in a Christ-centered family. Every!

Every child God brings into our sphere of influence is an opportunity for us to share the love of God, through the love of Jesus Christ. God gives us opportunity to touch children from newborns to teens, and His children that are now parents and extended family of these children as well.

Every. Every child loved.

Would you agree, that no child understands fully what it is to be loved until they understand the redemptive love of Jesus Christ?

As you go about your work, remember the mission of CFC – every!

Next time I will share with you, in one picture, why we choose to do the programs we do.




