Christian Family Care – TEN:24

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"Hebrews 10:24

CFC Dress Code

The appearance of CFC employees is always expected to reflect modesty and discretion. Staff has a responsibility to maintain a consistent Christian testimony in dress and lifestyle in the office and community. The community and office visitors gauge the quality of CFC by the attention we show to personal appearance and attire. Each employee personally represents CFC and is required to dress in an appropriate manner. This applies to our interns as well.

CFC has a smart casual dress code during all regular workdays, weekend work hours, including training, orientations, and teleconferencing/virtual meetings. Smart casual is generally defined as attire that combines well fitting, polished business wear with elements of casual attire like blouses, shirts, button-downs, dress pants, dark-wash jeans, and classic, practical shoes. When the situation warrants, (i.e. court appearances, more formal community meetings, etc.), an employee’s outfit should reflect the elevated setting accordingly. No dress code can cover all contingencies; thus, employees are expected to use personal judgment and discretion in choice of clothing. Employees who are uncertain about acceptable attire should ask their supervisor or Staff Care.

When an employee’s clothing does not comply with these standards, as determined by the employee’s supervisor or Staff Care, the supervisor should address his/her concerns directly with the employee. These corrective actions also include situations where an employee is exercising poor hygiene (including offensive body odor) and/or is wearing excessive amounts of perfume/cologne. If continued coaching fails to bring the desired response, the supervisor may initiate disciplinary action or ask Staff Care to become involved in the situation.

Prohibited Clothing: Excessively tight, short, and/or revealing clothing, clothing that reveals undergarments (intentionally or unintentionally), shorts of any kind, athletic attire including gym shorts and leggings as bottoms, casual flip flops, baseball caps, sweatpants, and tops that have a thin/spaghetti strap unless it is covered with a cardigan or similar cover up. Denim/jeans worn by employees should be free of rips, tears, frays, or elaborate embellishments (intentional or unintentional). Clothing with political messages, slogans, or phrases is prohibited.

Tattoos and Piercings: Visible tattoos and piercings are expected to be tasteful and not compromise a professional appearance. Piercings should not be distracting or excessive in number; visible piercings should be limited to the ears and nose. Though visible tattoos and piercings are not prohibited at CFC, please use discernment in what is acceptable.

Personal Hygiene: Hairstyles, mustaches, and beards must be clean, well-trimmed, and neat. Good personal hygiene habits are expected. Cleanliness is extremely important in the office. Good hygiene habits keep the office environment pleasant and reduce the possibility of transmitting disease or illness between employees/clients and employees/co-workers.

Excerpt from CFC Employee Handbook page 29